Why is Japanese trains So Accurate?

In Japan, trains arrive on time no matter where you go in Japan.Japanese train that runs accurately based on a very detailed timetable. Why is Japanese trains So Accurate? There was a situation where the Japanese train had to be … Read More

Recommended Local Ramen in Kyoto

Kyoto Ramen Recommended Kyoto Ramen Top3 Local ramen in Kyoto. Kyoto cuisine is generally light, but “Kyoto ramen” is different.“Kyoto ramen” is the most savory ramen in the country.The ramen features straight noodles with lye water. This article recommend the … Read More

Recommended Local Ramen in Kumamoto

Kumamoto Ramen Recommended Kumamoto Ramen Top3 Local ramen in Kumamaoto. The ramen is one of the famous local ramen nationwide.“Kumamoto ramen” soup is tonkotsu that has been cooked with chicken broth.In addition, the soup tastes mild with burnt garlic and … Read More