Field of Canola Flower spread in Sannokura Highland

Canola flowers bloom in spring on the slopes of the Sannokura Ski Resort, which is located overlooking the Aizu Basin.
The carpet of flowers and the natural scenery below are breathtaking.
A “bell of happiness” has been set up on the hill with a view of the Canola flowers.
Let’s ring the bell with each wish.

8.35ha is filled with Canola flowers!

From mid-May to early June, “Canola Flower Festa in Sannokura Kogen Flower Garden” will be held at Sannokura highland in Kitakata City, Fukushima.
Events such as walk rallies, lighting up, and concerts are held in the rape field, which boasts an area of 8.35 ha.
During the period, local vegetables and handmade souvenirs such as “Sannokura Hiland Honey” are also sold.

How to access

40 minutes by taxi from Kitakata Station.

Sannokura Highland Flower Garden
address: 857-6 Moriko, Kita Gongen, Aita, Atsushio, Kano Town, Kitakata City, Fukushima

A must-visit place if you travel around Fukushima!

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