Speaking of popular sightseeing spots in Osaka, Osaka Castle is a popular spot.
In this article, we will introduce not only the history of Osaka Castle and its owner, but also highlights of sightseeing.
Osaka Castle is a must-see spot for history fans
Osaka Castle is a popular place for history fans.
Osaka Castle is a symbol of Osaka, but do you know its history and structure?

Osaka Castle was built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi (豊臣秀吉) around 1599.
Before the construction of Osaka Castle, there was a large temple here.
Osaka Castle was built on the site.
After a while, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who built Osaka Castle, died, and then the Osaka camp took place between the Edo Shogunate and the Toyotomi side who protected Osaka Castle.
There were “Winter campaign” in 1614 and “Summer campaign” in 1615, and Osaka Castle became the battlefield.
In this battle, Edo Shogunate side won the victory, and later Hidetada Tokugawa (徳川秀忠), the second shogun of Edo Shogunate, will rebuild the Osaka castle.
The remaining stone walls and moats of Osaka Castle were built by the Tokugawa family, not Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
The castle tower of Osaka Castle was burned down twice, and it was rebuilt in 1930 and is in its present form.
When you go to Osaka, let’s think about the history of Osaka Castle while sightseeing.

Let’s walk toward Osaka Castle Tower
Osaka Castle Tower
The first highlight of Osaka Castle is the Osaka Castle Tower.
The view from the Osaka castle tower is popular.
Let’s look at the cityscape of Osaka from the high place of Osaka Castle as if you were a castle owner.
It is an observation deck of the castle tower on the 8th floor of Osaka Castle, but if you know the history, you may be able to enjoy different things.


The main entrance of the castle is called Oteguchi (大手口).
Of course, Osaka Castle also has a main gate called “Otemon (大手門)” ,which is designated as an important cultural property.
This gate survived the fire at the end of the Edo period and the air raids of World War II.
You can see the crest of Aoi in Tokugawa by looking at the roof tiles on the roof of Otemon.
Speaking of Otemon, the technology of fitting is famous.
Since the outer and inner shapes are different, special techniques are used to prevent slipping and distortion.
It is said that there is only one place here in a Japanese building. Please check it with your own eyes.


・Osaka Metro
Tanimachi Line (谷町線) | “Tanimachi 4-chome Sta. (谷町4丁目駅)” “Temmabashi Sta. (天満橋駅)” |
Chuo Line (中央線) | “Tanimachi 4-chome Sta. (谷町4丁目駅)” “Morinomiya Sta. (森ノ宮駅)” |
Nagahori Tsurumi Ryokuchi Line (長堀鶴見緑地線) | “Morinomiya Sta. (森ノ宮駅)” “Osaka Business Park Sta. (大阪ビジネスパーク)” |
Osaka Loop Line (大阪環状線) | “Morinomiya Sta. (森ノ宮駅)” “Osaka Castle Park Sta. (大阪城公園駅)” |
Tozai Line (東西線) | “Osakajo Kitazume Sta. (大阪城北詰駅)” |
・Keihan train
Keihan train (京阪電車) | “Temmabashi Sta. (天満橋駅)” |
■ Osaka Castle (大阪城)
address: 1-1 Osakajo, Chuo Ward, Osaka
Osaka Castle is a place where you can feel the history.
In addition to the castle, there are also museums such as the “Osaka History Museum” where you can learn about the history of Osaka, and you can get good-value tickets for both the Osaka Castle Tower and the Osaka History Museum.
Osaka Castle Park has a garden and is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot where you can see about 300 cherry trees.
In addition, various flowers are in full bloom, such as the plum grove where you can enjoy plum blossoms.
Why don’t you try sightseeing in Osaka after studying the history of Osaka at Osaka Castle? I’m sure you can see Osaka from a new perspective.
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